Guillaume Monrolin

I am a software developer, sailing around the world.

About Me

About Me

Over the past 8 years, I've immersed myself in the world of software development, crafting interactive websites, intuitive mobile applications, and innovative data processing solutions. Yet, it's not just my code that defines me – it's my deep commitment to a sustainable future.

Aligned with my values, I live aboard my sailboat, navigating the oceans while staying connected to the digital world. This approach enables me to minimize my ecological impact while working on projects that truly matter. I believe that only software that promotes responsible usage, delivers value to customer and avoids overconsumption deserves to be created.

Passionate about the social impact of technology, I seek collaborations with like-minded individuals. If you share my vision of software development that prioritizes quality over quantity, I would be delighted to connect.

Join me on this journey where responsible software development meets a sustainable lifestyle, for a more thoughtful and eco-conscious digital future.

My Services

My Services

Contact me to discuss how we can collaborate to realize your project!

Mobile Application Development

You have a great business idea but you need a digital platform? I can develop a nativ Android app, or a Flutter-based cross-platform app

Scripting, Automation & Data Analysis

You are performing recuring tasks that take too much time daily? I can automate it, to give you more times.

You have huge excel files or databases and you can't manually look at each entry. I can build you a tool or a software to extract and compute specific data.

Consulting & Formation

I help R&D teams to build a scalable software.

I can organize the ramp-up of new developer in a team.

I can give formations on software development such as good practices, software architecture or even a beginner that wiches to dig into this subject.

Home Automation & Embedded System

You would like to have a custom device to monitor your house for your daily routine? I can design a hardware, develop the software that controls it and 3D printed the case you desire.

Contact Me

Contact Me

Social Profiles

Email Me

Call Me (Whatsapp)

+33 7 87 95 41 47

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